Houseplant Care Guide

How to Keep Plants Alive While on Vacation: A Green Guide for Plant Parents

Are you gearing up for a vacation but feeling a tad anxious about leaving your leafy pals behind? No worries! Let's whip up a game plan before you set off on your much-awaited time. First up, give your green buddies a thorough watering. Think of it as their hearty meal before a long journey. It's a crucial step in the grand scheme of "how to keep plants alive while on vacation.

Let us explain how:

1 - Pre-Vacation Plant Pampering

Before you go, give your plants some love. A thorough watering is essential; think of it like leaving a big bowl of water for a pet. But remember, just like us, each plant has unique hydration needs, so be mindful of their requirements. Also, remember to prune any weary leaves and check for uninvited guests like aphids or spider mites.

How to Keep Plants Alive While on Vacation

2 - Strategic Plant Positioning

Your plants adore sunlight, but too much can make them thirsty. Adjust their position to avoid direct exposure, ensuring they aren't dried when you return. Also, maintain a temperature and humidity level in your home; plants like us have preferred climates.

How to Keep Plants Alive While on Vacation

3 - Watering While Whisked Away

a. Short Absences: A good watering before departure should suffice if your getaway is just for a few days. Most plants can handle a short period without direct care.

b. The Wicking System: Consider a DIY wicking system for longer trips. One end goes into a water source, the other into the plant's soil. It's like a slow sip for your plants, moistening the ground until the water vessel is empty.

How to Keep Plants Alive While on Vacation


c. Water Release Crystals and Spikes: These handy gadgets slowly release water into the soil, perfect for extended periods. Watering spikes made of terracotta and water-absorbing crystals are your plants' best friends in your absence.

How to Keep Plants Alive While on Vacation

4 - Consider Amendment:

Give your plants a little extra care with some soil amendments. Gillahad and Waldroop suggest mixing in stuff like peat or compost. Why? It's like a magic sponge - it holds onto water for longer, which is handy for keeping your plants happy and hydrated.

How to Keep Plants Alive While on Vacation

Now, how about trying a neat trick with a chemical polymer if you're feeling adventurous? This little magic goes into the soil and acts like a mini reservoir. It soaks up water and then releases it back when the ground starts feeling a bit thirsty. It's especially great for those plants that love a steady spa-like moisture vibe, like African Violets and Abutilons.

5 - Befriending the Neighbors: Plant-Sitting

Sometimes, the old ways are the best! Rope in a neighbor or a friend to keep an eye on your greenery. A quick guide on the needs of your plants will make them ace plant-sitters. It's a classic solution to the "how to keep plants alive while on vacation" conundrum.

6 - Post-Vacation Plant Care

Upon your return, assess each plant's condition. Look for signs of distress, such as drooping leaves or dry soil. Gradually reintroduce them to their regular care routine, avoiding the temptation to overwater or fertilize immediately.

With these tips in your plant care arsenal, you can celebrate your holidays without worrying about your green buddies. Remember, "how to keep plants alive while on vacation" isn't just about water—it's about understanding and catering to their needs.


The Sill. (n.d.). How to Keep Your Houseplants Alive While You're on Vacation. Retrieved December 26, 2023, from

Leaf Envy. (2021, July 20). How to keep your plants alive while you're on holiday. Retrieved December 26, 2023, from


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